Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What is the Validity of Foreign Judgments as Per Law

The recognition of foreign judgments is not a separate process. In fact, recognition that is, the conclusive adjudication of the rights of the parties is ipso jure as in most other jurisdictions. A foreign judgment is recognised if it is conclusive, as provided in Section 13 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

What is the Limitation Period of Foreign Judgement

In such a situation, the Court reasoned that the judgement creditor in order to fully satisfy the foreign decree, could commence execution proceedings in India within a period of three years (under Article 137 of the Limitation Act) from the date of finalization of the execution proceedings in the cause country.

What is the Limitation of Foreign Decree as Per Law

The decree becomes enforceable on the date it was passed and, therefore, if the law of the cause country is to apply, the limitation would be 6 years and if the law of forum country were to apply, it would be 12 years.

What is the Limitation Period For Enforcement of Foreign Judgment

As per Limitation Act (1963), Article 136 declares that for the execution of any decree (other than a decree granting a mandatory injunction) or order of any Civil Court, the period of limitation is twelve years. This period begins when the decree or order becomes enforceable.

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