Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What is the Impact of Terrorism on Pakistan Economy

Both the war on terror and the rehabilitation of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) consumed a big chunk of the government‟s financial resources, thus widening the fiscal deficit and halting economic growth. Pakistan has suffered more than any other country due to the war on terror.

What are the Impacts of Terrorism on Economic

The economy of an area affected by terrorism suffers an immediate impact due to loss of property and funds used to repair buildings and infrastructure damage. It also suffers long term effects as financial markets slowly recover from the shock of the attack.

What are the Effects of Terrorism in Pakistan

Terrorism has also adversely affected Pakistan’s international trade. As a result, Pakistan has lost its market share and therefore remains unable to achieve its targeted growth rates. Table 2 provides the loss to Pakistan’s economy due to terrorist attacks by sector during the fiscal years 2014–15 and 2015–16.

What are the Negative Effects of Terrorism on Society

In general, after terrorist acts, people suffer from post – traumatic stress disorders, anxiety and major depression. Additionally, survivors of terrorist attacks may suffer from substance abuse issues and psychosomatic symptoms after an attack, and often develop personal coping systems.

Does Terrorism Affect Human Rights

Terrorism constitutes a serious threat to human rights and democracy. While action by states is necessary to prevent and effectively sanction terrorist acts, not all means are justifiable.

What is the Impact of Terrorism on Tourism

The impact of terrorism on the travel and tourism industry can be enormous. It can lead to unemployment, homelessness, deflation, and many other social and economic ills. The contribution of tourism for many countries is so great that any downturn in the industry is a cause of major concern for many governments.

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