Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What is the Difference Between Damages and Damage as Per Law

As per Lawkidunya, Difference Between Damages and Damage in Pakistan, actually ‘damages’ refer to the compensation awarded or sought for, ‘damage’ refers to the injury or loss which such compensation is claimed for or being awarded. ‘Damage’ could be monetary or non-monetary (loss of reputation, physical or mental pain or suffering) while ‘damages’ refer to pecuniary compensation.

What are the Examples of Damage as Per Law
The fall caused considerable damage to her knee. The disease is known to cause permanent brain damage. The scandal caused significant damage to her career.

What is Minor Damage and Major Damage as Per Law
The level of damage helps to distinguish between minor and major collisions. After a minor collision, the damage is very minimal and mainly cosmetic. A major collision involves significant damage that requires extensive repairs. In some cases, a major collision may lead to a total loss of a vehicle

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