Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What is Res Judicata and Its Objects as Per Law in Pakistan

As per law, the main object of Res-judicata is to prevent a question which has already been decided to be re-agitated by the court. A question finally decided at one stage of a proceeding cannot be re-agitated between the same parties or their representatives at a subsequent stage.

What are the Elements of Res Judicata in NC as Per Law

The elements of res judicata are as follows: “(1) a final judgment on the merits in an earlier suit, (2) an identity of the causes of action in both the earlier and the later suit, and (3) an identity of the parties or their privies in the two suits.” Caswell Realty Assoc. v. Andrews Co., 128 N.C. App.

What is Section 11 of CPC in Pakistan as Per Law

Section 11 of CPC in fact prohibits the court from trying any suit or issue in which the matter directly or substantially in issue has been directly and substantially in issue in a former suit between the same parties or between the parties under whom, they or any of them claim, litigate under the same title in a court.

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