Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What is Positive Morality in International Law

Positive law: “set by men as political superiors, or by men, as private persons, in pursuance of legal rights” The term “positive” means that it flows from human sources. Positive morality: moral laws disconnected from legal rights, and moral laws that are mere opinions regarding human conduct.

What are the Benefits of Morality International Law

Moral values give children perspective, make them strong, and transpire firm beliefs in them, which makes them work hard and have courage when they are facing challenges in life. It is almost every day that we hear about the pressing concerns youth face today, such as anxiety, stress, depression, and whatnot.

Who Called International as Positive Morality

Austin called international law “positive international morality”. According to Austin, law is the command of the sovereign, and the indeterminacy of sovereign at the international level and the lack of coercive force had made him classify international law as mere positive morality.

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