Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What is Permanent Acquisition as Per Land Revenue Act

Permanent acquisition, as per the Land Revenue Act, refers to the acquisition of land by the government or a private company for a permanent period, typically for public purposes or for projects that benefit the public.

Key Features of Permanent Acquisition

1. Irrevocable: Permanent acquisition is irrevocable, meaning that once the land is acquired, it cannot be returned to the original owner.
2. Perpetual: Permanent acquisition is perpetual, meaning that the acquiring authority has permanent ownership and control over the land.
3. No Time Limit: Permanent acquisition has no time limit, meaning that the acquiring authority can retain ownership and control over the land indefinitely.
4. Compensation: The acquiring authority must provide fair compensation to the landowner and occupants, as per the provisions of the Land Revenue Act.

Procedure for Permanent Acquisition

5. Notification: The acquiring authority issues a notification, indicating its intention to acquire the land permanently.
6. Survey and Investigation: The acquiring authority conducts a survey and investigation to determine the value of the land and the compensation payable.
7. Award and Compensation: The acquiring authority makes an award, specifying the compensation payable to the landowner and occupants.
8. Taking Possession: The acquiring authority takes possession of the land, after paying the compensation.

Examples of Permanent Acquisition

9. Infrastructure Development: Permanent acquisition of land for infrastructure development, such as roads, bridges, and airports.
10. Public Utilities: Permanent acquisition of land for public utilities, such as water supply, sewage, and electricity.
11. Industrial Development: Permanent acquisition of land for industrial development, such as setting up factories, warehouses, and other industrial facilities.
12. Urban Development: Permanent acquisition of land for urban development, such as building residential colonies, commercial complexes, and other urban infrastructure.

Benefits of Permanent Acquisition

13. Long-term Planning: Permanent acquisition allows for long-term planning and development, without the uncertainty of lease or temporary acquisition.
14. Stability and Security: Permanent acquisition provides stability and security to the acquiring authority, allowing it to make long-term investments and plans.
15. Economic Growth: Permanent acquisition can lead to economic growth, job creation, and infrastructure development, benefiting the local community and the economy as a whole.

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