Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What is Execution in Law

Execution in Law under Criminal Law, the carrying out of a death sentence. The process whereby an official, usually a sheriff, is directed by an appropriate judicial writ to seize and sell as much of a debtor’s nonexempt property as is necessary to satisfy a court’s monetary judgment.

What is Execution in Court?

A writ of execution (also known as an execution) is a court order granted to put in force a Judgment of possession obtained by a plaintiff from a court. When issuing a writ of execution, a court typically will order a sheriff or other similar official to take possession of property owned by a judgment debtor.

What does it Mean to Execute a Judgment?

The execution of Judgment is the act of getting an officer of the court to take possession of the property of a losing party in a lawsuit, called the judgment debtor, on behalf of the winner, called the judgment creditor, sell it and use the proceeds to pay the judgment.

What is Execution Proceeding?

The expression “execution” means enforcement or implementation or giving an effect to the order or judgment passed by the court of justice. Simply “execution” means the process for enforcing or giving effect to the judgment of the court. Execution is the enforcement of decrees and orders by the process of the court.

Execution Petition in Law?

It simply means the process for enforcing the decree that is passed in favour of the decree-holder by a competent court. As per Rule 2 (e) of Civil Rules of Practice “Execution Petition” means a petition to the Court for the execution of any decree or order.

Execution of Decree in Law?

The term “Execution” has not been defined in the code. Execution is the enforcement of a decree by a judicial process which enables the decree-holder to realise the fruits of the decree and judgment passed by the competent Court in his favour.

Limitation for Execution of Decree?

The period of limitation for an application for the execution of any decree (other than a decree granting a mandatory injunction) or order of any Civil Court is twelve years and the time of limitation starts to run from the date when the decree or order becomes enforceable or where the decree or any subsequent order.

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