Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What is an Example of Nominal Damages in Tort Law

As per Lawkidunya, Example of Nominal Damages in Tort Law. The plaintiff sued the defendant. It was held that even though no actual damage was suffered by the plaintiff, the defendant was still liable for preventing him from exercising his legal right to vote and thus nominal damages were awarded in this case.

Damages and Expenses Recoverable in Nominal Damages. In every case of breach of contract the injured party has a right to damages, but if there has been no actual damage, the injured party may recover nominal damages sufficient to cover the costs of bringing the action.

Nominal damages are awarded where a legal wrong has been committed but no consequential loss has been caused. The purpose of the award is vindicatory to mark the existence of the right in question and to mark the fact of its violation by the wrongdoer.

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