Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What are the Five 5 Sources of Morality as Per Law

Here below the Major Sources of Morality as per.
Sources of Ethical Standards.
The Rights Approach.
The Fairness or Justice Approach.
The Common Good Approach.
The Virtue Approach.

What are the Five 5 Main Domains of Morality

Moral foundation theory argues that there are five basic moral foundations:
(1) harm/care,
(2) fairness/reciprocity,
(3) ingroup/loyalty,
(4) authority/respect, and
(5) purity/sanctity.

What are the Three 3 Elements of Morality

Most of the moralists agree that to judge the goodness or badness of any particular human act, three elements must be weighed from which every act derives its morality. They are: the Object of the act, the Circumstances surrounding the act, and the End or Intention that the one performing the act has in mind.

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