Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

UK University Announces PhD Scholarship of £19,237 Annual Stipend 2025

A UK University has announced a PhD scholarship with an annual stipend of £19,237 for 2025. This scholarship is part of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding, which provides a minimum stipend level for PhD students.

The University of Oxford, for instance, offers various scholarships with an annual stipend of at least £19,237. Some of these scholarships include:

– Oxford-E P Abraham Research Fund Graduate Scholarships: Up to three full scholarships are available for applicants to the full-time DPhil in Molecular Cell Biology in Health and Disease.

– Hill Foundation Scholarship: Up to 14 full scholarships are available for applicants who are nationals of and ordinarily resident in the Russian Federation.

– Refugee Academic Futures Scholarship: Available for applicants applying to any full-time and part-time DPhil and master’s courses at Oxford who have lived experience of displacement.

These scholarships cover course fees and provide a grant for living costs. Awards are made for the full duration of the student’s fee liability for the agreed course.

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