Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Can you go to Jail for Traffic Violations in Law

A Traffic Violation is any violation of the law committed by the driver of a vehicle while it is in motion. The term “motion” distinguishes it from other motor vehicle violations, such as paperwork violations, parking violations, or equipment violations. Moving violations often increase insurance premiums.

What is a Traffic Violation Notice

A traffic ticket is a notice issued by a law enforcement official to a motorist or other road user, indicating that the user has violated traffic laws. In others, the ticket constitutes only a citation and summons to appear at traffic court, with a determination of guilt to be made only in court.

What are Some Traffic Violations

Whatever the causes may be, below is the list of most common traffic violations in the Philippines,

  1. Disregarding Traffic Signs (DTS).
  2. Obstruction.
  3. Number Coding or Color Coding Scheme.
  4. Illegal Parking.
  5. Stalled Vehicle.
  6. Loading and unloading in prohibited areas.
  7. Truck Ban.
  8. Reckless Driving.

What is a Traffic Offense

A traffic offence is a form of criminal offence. There can be serious consequences for committing a traffic offence. This information will help you understand the types of penalties you can get for traffic offences. It covers penalties imposed by a court, as well as for infringement notices.

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