The law pertaining to the guardianship and regulating the custody of children in Pakistan is known as the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890. The primary consideration in guardian courts whilst granting custody of minors to either parent or sometimes to grandparents or other relatives is the welfare of the minor.
What is Section 7 of the Guardian and Ward Act?
Power of the Court to make order as to guardianship. (1) Where the Court is satisfied that it is for the welfare of a minor that order should be made:- (a) appointing a guardian of his person or property, or both; or (b) declaring a person to . be such a guardian, the Court may make an order accordingly.
What is Section 12 of the Guardian and Ward Act?
The Act primarily provides custody to a person desirous of securing custody of a ward by allowing him to invoke Section 25 of the Act. Section 12 of the Act caters to the need for change in interim custody which by and large is allowed in exceptional cases.
What is the Age of Majority Under Guardianship of Court?
It fixed the age of majority at 18 years except in the case of a person for whom there is a guardian appointed by Court, in which case the age is fixed at 21 years. Free Download