Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Tax Rates on Industrial Properties in Islamabad Pakistan

As per Lawkidunya, Tax rates on industrial properties in Islamabad, Pakistan, vary based on the type of property and its location. Here are some tax rates you should know:

– Commercial Properties in Blue Area: Rs32 per square foot for ground floors and Rs22 per square foot for basements.
– Residential Apartments: Rs26 per square foot.
– Private Hospitals: Rs22 per square foot.
– Petrol Pumps and CNG Stations: Rs180 per square yard.
– Marquees and Marriage Halls: Rs13 per square foot.

Additionally, property tax is levied on the annual value of buildings and land, at a rate of 5%. The tax can be deposited on or before September 30th with a 5% rebate, and a late payment surcharge of 1% per month applies if the tax is not paid on time.

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