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Section 92 CrPC Arrest by Breach of Bond for Appearance in Law

Section 92 CrPC Arrest by Breach of Bond for Appearance in Law

Section 92 CrPC in Lawkidunya, When any person who is bond by any bond taken under this code to appear before a court does not so appear, the officer presiding in such court may issue a warrant directing that such person be arrested and produced before him.

Breach of Bond for Appearance in Law

If a defendant “Jumps Bail” or fails to appear, bail will be revoked. At that point, the defendant has lost the right to be free before trial. The court can issue an arrest warrant for the failure to appear (FTA). In most states, failing to appear is a crime.

Section 92 CrPC(1) If any document, parcel or thing in the custody of a postal or telegraph authority is, in the opinion of the District Magistrate, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Court of Session or High Court wanted for the purpose of any investigation, inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Code, such Magistrate or Court may.

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