Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Restriction on Variations of Entries in Record of Land Revenue Act 1967

As per Lawkidunya, The Land Revenue Act, 1967, imposes certain restrictions on variations of entries in the record of rights. Here are some key provisions:

Section 42: Alteration of Entries

1. No entry in the record of rights can be altered or amended without the written order of the Revenue Officer.
2. The Revenue Officer can only make alterations or amendments that are necessary to correct errors or omissions.

Section 43: Correction of Errors

1. The Revenue Officer can correct errors or omissions in the record of rights on application by the landowner or any other interested person.
2. The correction must be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Revenue Officer.

Section 44: Variation of Entries

1. No entry in the record of rights can be varied except in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
2. The Revenue Officer can vary an entry in the record of rights only if it is necessary to give effect to a decision or order of a competent authority.

Section 45: Limitation on Variation

1. No variation of an entry in the record of rights can be made after the expiry of three years from the date of the original entry.
2. This limitation can be relaxed only with the prior approval of the Commissioner.

Section 46: Appeal

1. Any person aggrieved by an order or decision of the Revenue Officer varying an entry in the record of rights can appeal to the Commissioner.
2. The appeal must be filed within 30 days of the order or decision.

These restrictions ensure that the record of rights is accurate and reliable, and that any variations or corrections are made in a transparent and accountable manner.

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