Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Punjab Introduces New Admission Model For Nursing Colleges

In a bid to ensure uniformity and standardization, admission to nursing colleges in Punjab will now be conducted through a centralized mechanism similar to that of public sector medical and dental institutions in the province.

The University of Health Sciences (UHS) will oversee the admission process, and candidates will be required to apply for the 4-year BSc Nursing Program through an online portal. This decision was reached during a special meeting of the UHS Board of Studies in Nursing, which was chaired by Punjab’s caretaker Health Minister, Professor Javed Akram.

During the meeting, the participants unanimously agreed to centralize nursing admissions. The Admission Committee will be led by the Secretary of SHCI, with the Vice-Chancellors of all medical universities and the Director General of Nursing serving as members. The advertisement for BSc Nursing admissions will be published in September. Read More

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