Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Procedure For Permanent Acquisition as Per Land Revenue Act

The procedure for permanent acquisition of land under the Land Revenue Act involves the following steps:

Preliminary Steps

1. Notification: The acquiring authority issues a notification indicating the intention to permanently acquire the land.
2. Land Identification: The acquiring authority identifies the land required for the specific purpose.
3. Preliminary Survey: A preliminary survey is conducted to determine the boundaries and extent of the land.

Acquisition Process

1. Notice to Landowners: The acquiring authority serves a notice on the landowners, informing them of the permanent acquisition proposal.
2. Objections and Hearing: Landowners can submit objections to the permanent acquisition proposal within a specified timeframe. The acquiring authority holds a hearing to address these objections.
3. Acquisition Order: If the objections are resolved or rejected, the acquiring authority issues a permanent acquisition order.

Compensation and Rehabilitation

1. Determination of Compensation: The acquiring authority determines the compensation payable to the landowners.
2. Payment of Compensation: The acquiring authority pays the compensation to the landowners.
3. Rehabilitation: The acquiring authority ensures that landowners are rehabilitated and resettled, if necessary.

Vesting of Land

1. Vesting Order: The acquiring authority issues a vesting order, which transfers the ownership of the land to the acquiring authority.
2. Registration: The vesting order is registered with the relevant authorities, and the land is transferred to the acquiring authority.

Post-Acquisition Steps

1. Utilization of Land: The acquiring authority utilizes the permanently acquired land for the specified purpose.
2. Maintenance and Management: The acquiring authority is responsible for the maintenance and management of the acquired land.

Additional Provisions

1. Appeals: Landowners can appeal against the permanent acquisition order to the relevant appellate authority.
2. Review: The acquiring authority can review the permanent acquisition order and make necessary amendments.
3. Extension: The permanent acquisition period can be extended, if necessary, with the approval of the relevant authorities.

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