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Procedure for Issuance of Arms License in Pakistan

Procedure for Issuance of Arms License in Pakistan | Lawkidunya

Procedure for Issuance of Arms License in Pakistan, follow the below procedure.

  1. Fill up Arms License Form.
  2. Attach one copy of Identity Card.
    3.Get verification from Police Station, DSP and SP concerned on filled up Arms License Form.
  3. Applicant himself should appear before the Deputy Commissioner along with the copy of Identity Card.

Who Can Apply For Arms License in Pakistan

Rule says that the Commissioned officer can keep a handgun and those from the rank’s a shotgun or rifle without a license during their service. According to section 3 and 4 of Armed act,1959 all person in India can have a license issued for possessing,acquiring or carrying any arm or firearm.

How to Obtain Computerized Arms License From NADRA

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