Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

New Courses in South Asian and Postcolonial Literatures Offered at York

York University offers various courses in South Asian and postcolonial literatures. Here are some of the courses available:

– Introduction to Modern South Asian Literatures: This course explores the literatures of South Asia from the 16th century to the present, covering topics such as colonialism, nationalism, and globalization.

– Hindu Mythology: This course examines the major myths and stories of Hinduism, exploring their cultural and historical contexts.

– The City in South Asia: This interdisciplinary course studies the urban centers of South Asia, focusing on topics such as globalization, colonialism, and cultural identity.

– India’s Literature: Love, War, Wisdom and Humor: This course introduces students to the rich literary heritage of India, covering texts from ancient to modern times.

– South Asia Studies: This course provides an overview of the history, culture, and society of South Asia, covering topics such as colonialism, nationalism, and globalization.

These courses offer a range of perspectives and approaches to understanding South Asian and postcolonial literatures.

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