As per Income Tax Law, single dependents who are under the age of 65 and not blind, you generally must file a federal income tax return if your unearned income (such as from ordinary dividends or taxable interest) was more than $1,050 or if your earned income (such as from wages or salary) was more than $12,000.
What is the Minimum Income to File Taxes in 2019?
When determining whether you need to file a return, you don’t include tax-exempt income. In 2018 for example, if you are under age 65 and single, you must file a tax return if you earn $12,000 or more, which is the 2018 standard deduction for a single taxpayer.
What is the Maximum Income to Qualify for Earned Income Credit 2019?
For those with three or more children, the maximum earned income tax credit for 2018 is $6,431. Families with two qualifying children have a $5,716 maximum credit amount, while those with one qualifying child face a limit of $3,461.
How Much Money do you have to Make to File Taxes in 2019?
Single, under 65 – $12,000. Single, 65 or older – $13,600. Married filing jointly, both spouses under 65 – $24,000