Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Making of Special Revision of Record-of-rights in Land Revenue Laws in Pakistan

As per Lawkidunya, When it appears to the Board of Revenue that a record-of-rights for an estate does not exist, or that the existing record-ofrights for an estate requires special revision, the Board of Revenue may, by notification, direct that a record-of-rights be made, or that the record-of-rights be specially revised, as the case may be.

(2) A notification under sub-section (1) may direct that record-of-rights shall be made or specially revised for all or any of the estates in any local area.

(3) A record-of-rights made or specially revised for an estate under this section shall be deemed to be the record-of-rights for that estate, but shall not affect any presumption in favour of Government which has already arisen from any previous record-of-rights.

In Pakistan, the making of a special revision of the record-of-rights is a complex process governed by the Land Revenue Act, 1967, and the Punjab Land Revenue Rules, 1968. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Preliminary Steps

1. Initiation: The Assistant Commissioner (AC) or the Tehsildar initiates the process by issuing a public notice, inviting objections and claims from landowners and other stakeholders.
2. Formation of a Committee: A committee, comprising the AC, Tehsildar, and other revenue officials, is formed to oversee the revision process.

Field Operations

1. Field Survey: A field survey is conducted to verify the existing record-of-rights, including the measurement of land, identification of boundaries, and verification of ownership.
2. Verification of Documents: The committee verifies the documents submitted by landowners, including title deeds, mutation records, and other relevant papers.

Office Work

1. Preparation of Draft: The committee prepares a draft of the revised record-of-rights, incorporating the changes and corrections made during the field survey and document verification.
2. Publication of Draft: The draft is published in the office of the AC or Tehsildar, and a public notice is issued, inviting objections and suggestions from landowners and other stakeholders.

Disposal of Objections

1. Filing of Objections: Landowners and other stakeholders file their objections and suggestions in writing, within a specified time frame.
2. Hearing of Objections: The committee hears the objections and suggestions, and makes necessary changes to the draft.

Finalization and Publication

1. Finalization of Record: The committee finalizes the revised record-of-rights, incorporating all changes and corrections.
2. Publication of Revised Record: The revised record-of-rights is published in the office of the AC or Tehsildar, and a public notice is issued, informing landowners and other stakeholders about the revision.

Maintenance and Updating

1. Maintenance of Record: The revised record-of-rights is maintained and updated regularly, incorporating changes and corrections made during the revision process.
2. Periodic Revision: The record-of-rights is revised periodically, as required by law, to ensure that it remains accurate and up-to-date.

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