Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Law Courses in India | Best & Top Law Courses in India

Law Courses in India, Discover Best & Top Law Courses in India for Law Students.
These are the law courses after 12th available in India.

  1. Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) 3 years.
  2. Integrated undergraduate degrees B.A. LL.B., B.Sc.
  3. Master of Laws (LL.M.).
  4. Master of Business Law.
  5. Integrated MBL-LLM/ MBA-LLM 3 years.

Types of Law Courses in India

There are two models of legal education in India namely, three year Bachelor of Law degree and five year Integrated Law Degree. The focus and scope of these two models is different from each other.

How can I Get law Degree in India

To complete an LLB, you can, directly get an admission into the 3 year course in a Tier 3 college ( if you are a graduate and meet the minimum academic requirements)directly get admission into the 5 year integrated LLB in a Tier 3 college (if you have completed your +2 and have the minimum marks).

Salary of Lawyer in India

In India, the range of salary that the law firms offers ranges all the way from Rs 25-30 lakh per annum to Rs 150-200 lakh. Even for lawyers who have just graduated from college, there is a wide potential range from between Rs 5-10 lakh per year to Rs 18-20 lakh per year.

Is Studying Law Hard in India

Law school is not limited to reading, you do need to read a lot to study and practice law but you can learn along the way. So far the ride in law school has been a breeze. Like any field of study one needs to work hard to succeed. Try visiting a few law schools around you and talking to students and practicing lawyers.

Legal Courses and Law Programs in India

Bachelor of Laws (LLB) is the most common law degree offered and conferred by Indian universities which has a duration of three years. Almost all law universities follow a standard LLB curriculum, wherein students are exposed to the required bar subjects.

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