As per Lawkidunya, In Pakistan, non-Muslim divorce laws are governed by various acts and ordinances, depending on the religion of the parties involved. Here’s an overview of the divorce laws for non-Muslims in Pakistan:
Christian Divorce Laws in Pakistan
1. Christian Divorce Act of 1869: This Act governs divorce proceedings for Christians in Pakistan.
2. Grounds for Divorce: Adultery, desertion, cruelty, conversion, and insanity.
3. Divorce Procedure: Filing a petition, serving the petition, court proceedings, and decree nisi.
Hindu Divorce Laws in Pakistan
1. Hindu Marriage Act of 2017: This Act provides a comprehensive framework for Hindu marriages and divorces in Pakistan.
2. Grounds for Divorce: Adultery, desertion, cruelty, conversion, insanity, and dowry-related harassment.
3. Divorce Procedure: Filing a petition, serving the petition, court proceedings, and decree nisi.
Sikh Divorce Laws in Pakistan
1. Anand Marriage Act of 1909: This Act governs Sikh marriages and divorces in Pakistan.
2. Grounds for Divorce: Adultery, desertion, cruelty, conversion, and insanity.
3. Divorce Procedure: Filing a petition, serving the petition, court proceedings, and decree nisi.
Parsi Divorce Laws in Pakistan
1. Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act of 1936: This Act governs Parsi marriages and divorces in Pakistan.
2. Grounds for Divorce: Adultery, desertion, cruelty, conversion, and insanity.
3. Divorce Procedure: Filing a petition, serving the petition, court proceedings, and decree nisi.
Buddhist Divorce Laws in Pakistan
1. Buddhist Marriage and Divorce Act: This Act is not specifically enacted in Pakistan, but Buddhist marriages and divorces are often governed by customary laws and traditions.
2. Grounds for Divorce: Vary depending on customary laws and traditions.
3. Divorce Procedure: Vary depending on customary laws and traditions.
Interfaith Divorce Laws in Pakistan
1. Family Courts Act of 1964: This Act provides for the establishment of family courts to deal with family disputes, including interfaith divorces.
2. Grounds for Divorce: Vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case.
3. Divorce Procedure: Filing a petition, serving the petition, court proceedings, and decree nisi.
Please note that Pakistani laws and regulations can change, and individual circumstances can affect the application of these laws. For specific guidance, consult with a qualified lawyer or expert in Pakistani family law.