Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Latest Christian Divorce Laws in Pakistan

As per Lawkidunya, In Pakistan, Christian divorce laws are primarily governed by the Divorce Act of 1869. This Act allows for divorce on specific grounds, including:

– Adultery: If one spouse commits adultery, the other can file for divorce.
– Cruelty: Physical or mental cruelty can be a valid reason for divorce.
– Desertion: If one spouse deserts the other for two years or more, the deserted spouse can file for divorce.
– Conversion to Another Religion: If one spouse converts to another religion, the other spouse can file for divorce.
– Impotency: If one spouse is impotent, the other can file for divorce.

It’s worth noting that the Divorce Act of 1869 initially allowed for divorce on the grounds of irretrievable breakdown of marriage, but this provision was repealed in 1981.

In 2017, a landmark court case (AMEEN MASIH Versus FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN and others) restored the provision for divorce on the grounds of irretrievable breakdown of marriage.

Additionally, a draft bill titled Christian Marriage and Divorce Act 2019 was proposed to update the divorce laws, but it has not been passed yet.

For specific guidance on Christian divorce laws in Pakistan, it’s recommended to consult with a qualified lawyer or expert in Pakistani family law.

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