Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Is Terrorism an International Crime as Per Law

Terrorist acts can also amount to international crimes. Many terrorist acts can constitute crimes against humanity provided that the terrorist attack is part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population or war crimes when committed during armed conflicts.

Is Terrorism a Crime Under International Law

It may happen that states gradually come to share this characterization and consider serious crimes of terrorism as falling under crimes against humanity (in particular, under the subcategories of ‘murder’ or ‘extermination’ or ‘other inhumane acts’ included in Article 7 of the ICC Statute).

What is the Punishment For Terrorism as Per Law

Terrorism Penalties, a conviction for terrorism charges can lead to serious penalties around the world. Use of a weapon of mass destruction carries a sentence for any term of years, including life in prison. If any person was killed as a result of terrorist activities, the punishment can include the death penalty.

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