The norms of international law are different from morality: they are more precise and reflect positions where moral principles run out. The norms reflect institutional constraints just as domestic laws do.
Is International Law a True Law or Positive Morality
One view considers International law not a true law, rather, a code of rule of conduct backed by morality. On the other hand, International law is considered to be a true law and is regarded as a law, similar to that of ordinary laws of a state, binding upon the citizens.
What is International Morality in International Law
International morality refers to morals or codes of conduct governing relations between nations. The present day world is divided into many independent territorial political communities. They constitute the international political order sometimes called the international legal order
What Principle is International Law Based on
One of the fundamental principles of international law provides that any state that violates its international obligations must be held accountable for its actions.
What is the Main Objective of International Law
The objective of the International Law is to achieve global justice and resolve the dispute amicably, that ultimately helps individuals. The development of many areas in the International Law such as International Human Rights Law with the objective to protect the interest of the individual.