Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Intellectual Property Law Degree Courses in Pakistan

As per Lawkidunya, Here are some intellectual property law degree courses offered in Pakistan:

Universities Offering IP Law Degree Courses

1. Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS): Offers a course on Intellectual Property Law as part of its LL.B. program.
2. University of Karachi: Offers a course on Intellectual Property Law as part of its LL.B. program.
3. International Islamic University (IIU): Offers a course on Intellectual Property Law as part of its LL.B. program.
4. University of Central Punjab: Offers a course on Intellectual Property Law as part of its LL.B. program.
5. Bahria University: Offers a course on Intellectual Property Law as part of its LL.B. program.

Specialized IP Law Courses

1. Certificate in Intellectual Property Law: Offered by the Institute of Intellectual Property Rights (IIPR) in collaboration with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
2. Diploma in Intellectual Property Law: Offered by the University of Punjab’s Department of Law.

Online Courses For Intellectual Property 

1. Intellectual Property Law by Coursera: A online course offered by the University of Pennsylvania.
2. Intellectual Property Law by edX: A online course offered by the University of California, Berkeley.

Key Topics Covered

1. Introduction to Intellectual Property Law
2. Patent Law
3. Trademark Law
4. Copyright Law
5. Industrial Designs
6. Geographical Indications
7. Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement

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