Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Income Tax Slab For Salary Income in Pakistan 2024-2025

As per Lawkidunya, Here are the income tax slabs for salaried individuals in Pakistan for the fiscal year 2024-2025:
– Taxable Income up to PKR 600,000: 0% tax
– PKR 600,001 – PKR 1,200,000: 5% of the amount exceeding PKR 600,000
– PKR 1,200,001 – PKR 2,200,000: PKR 30,000 + 15% of the amount exceeding PKR 1,200,000
– PKR 2,200,001 – PKR 3,200,000: PKR 180,000 + 25% of the amount exceeding PKR 2,200,000
– PKR 3,200,001 – PKR 4,100,000: PKR 430,000 + 30% of the amount exceeding PKR 3,200,000
– PKR 4,100,001 and above: PKR 700,000 + 35% of the amount exceeding PKR 4,100,000

Additionally, individuals and Associations of Persons (AOPs) with taxable income exceeding PKR 10 million in a year must pay a surcharge equal to 10% of their income tax.

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