Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Examples of Juvenile Delinquency

Examples of Juvenile Delinquency: As per Lawkidunya, a violation of the law committed by a juvenile that would have been a crime if committed by an adult; also : antisocial behavior by juveniles that is subject to legal action. The behavior of a minor child that is marked by criminal activities, persistent antisocial behavior, or disobedience which the child’s parents are unable to control. 2. noun. A violation of the law by a minor, which is not punishable by death or life imprisonment.

Examples of Juvenile Delinquency

The most common examples of juvenile delinquency are age-related crimes such as are staying out past curfew and truancy (continued failure to attend school). Juvenile crimes can range from status offenses (such as underage smoking), to property and violent crimes.

Types of Juvenile Delinquency?

Howard Becker (1966: 226-38) has referred to four types of delinquencies: (a) individual delinquency, (b) group-supported delinquency, (c) organised delinquency, and (d) situational delinquency.

Causes of Juvenile Delinquency?

  1. Poor school attendance is one of the top factors contributing to delinquency.
  2. Poor Educational Standards.
  3. Violence In The Home.
  4. Violence In Their Social Circles.
  5. Peer Pressure.
  6. Socioeconomic Factors.
  7. Substance Abuse.
  8. Lack Of Moral Guidance.

Example of Delinquent Behavior?

The definition of delinquent is something improper or criminal in nature or something that is late in being done. An example of delinquent behavior is robbing a store. An example of delinquent is a credit card payment that should have been paid several months earlier.

What Crimes are Committed by Juveniles?

As a parent, knowing the types of crimes that juveniles commit most frequently can help you take a proactive approach. Theft. The most common crime committed by a child is theft or larceny.

  1. Vandalism.
  2. Alcohol Offenses.
  3. Disorderly Conduct.
  4. Assault.
  5. Marijuana Possession.
  6. Tobacco Offenses.
  7. Curfew Violations.

Theories of Juvenile Delinquency?

There are three common theories that try to explain the juvenile’s actions: anomie theory, subculture theory, and differential opportunity theory. These theories all differ in the reasons juveniles are delinquent. The FBI collects the data about juvenile delinquency arrests, and the numbers are dropping.

Characteristics of Juvenile Delinquency?

A large number of individual factors and characteristics has been associated with the development of juvenile delinquency. These individual factors include age, gender, complications during pregnancy and delivery, impulsivity, aggressiveness, and substance use.

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Ch Muhammad Shahid Bhalli (Advocate H.Court)
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