As per Lawkidunya, If you’re looking for a diploma in Intellectual Property Law in Pakistan through distance learning, here are some options to consider:
University of the Punjab
The University of the Punjab offers a Diploma in Intellectual Property Law, which can be completed in one year. Although it’s not explicitly stated as a distance learning program, you can contact the university to inquire about potential online or part-time options.
The Knowledge Academy
The Knowledge Academy provides an Intellectual Property Training Course, which covers various aspects of IP law, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. This course is available online and can be completed in one day. However, it’s not a traditional diploma program, but rather a certification course.
Blackstone School of Law
Blackstone School of Law offers a Certificate in Intellectual Property Law, which is a one-month program. Classes are held once a week on campus, but you can contact the institution to ask about potential distance learning options.
Before selecting a program, ensure it aligns with your career goals and provides the necessary knowledge and skills in Intellectual Property Law.