Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Characteristics of Voluntary Acquisition as Per Land Revenue Act

The characteristics of voluntary acquisition under the Land Revenue Act are:

Voluntary Participation

1. Landowner’s consent: Voluntary acquisition requires the landowner’s explicit consent and willingness to sell their land.
2. Mutual agreement: The acquiring authority and the landowner negotiate and agree on the terms and conditions of the acquisition.

Negotiated Terms

1. Fair compensation: The acquiring authority offers fair compensation to the landowner, based on the market value of the land.
2. Flexible terms: The terms and conditions of the acquisition, including the price, can be negotiated between the parties.

No Coercion

1. No force or coercion: The acquiring authority cannot use force or coercion to acquire the land.
2. Landowner’s freedom to choose: The landowner has the freedom to choose whether to sell their land or not.


1. Transparent process: The voluntary acquisition process is transparent, with clear and open communication between the parties.
2. Disclosure of information: The acquiring authority discloses all relevant information to the landowner, including the purpose of the acquisition and the compensation offered.

Mutually Beneficial

1. Benefits to both parties: Voluntary acquisition benefits both the acquiring authority and the landowner, as it provides a mutually acceptable solution.
2. Win-win situation: The voluntary acquisition process aims to create a win-win situation for both parties.


1. Flexible timeline: The voluntary acquisition process can be completed within a flexible timeline, allowing for negotiations and agreement.
2. Adjustments and modifications: The terms and conditions of the acquisition can be adjusted and modified based on the negotiations between the parties.

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