Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Can I Do LLB Degree at the Age of 50 in Pakistan

There is no upper age limit. However, people (of any age) should go in with realistic expectations. No, there is no maximum age limit prescribed by the university to appear in its 3 year LLB programme.

What is the Age Limit For LLB in Pakistan Bar Council

Of 21 years of age. A Barrister or has obtained a Bachelor’s degree in any subject other than Law and a degree in Law from a university in or outside Pakistan, recognised by the Pakistan Bar Council.

Can I Do LLB at the Age of 60 in Pakistan

No age limit for studying Law.

Can I Do LLB at the Age of 46 in Pakistan

There is no upper age limit for admission in bachelor degree law courses so one can directly appear in CLAT Under Graduate entrance exam and get admission in the college on the basis of their score.

Can I Do a Law Degree as a Mature Student

Applying as a mature student, the University of Law welcomes mature students, offering a variety of different study modes: full-time, part-time, attendance and online. Around 15% of our full-time undergraduate population are mature students.

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