Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

When Bribery is Criminal Act, Examples, Types, Penalties of Bribery

Bribery is the act of giving or receiving something of value in exchange for some kind of influence or action in return, that the recipient would otherwise not alter. If an individual is found guilty of a bribery offence, tried as a summary offence, they may be imprisoned for up to 12 months and fined up to £5,000. The crime of a commercial organisation failing to prevent bribery is punishable by an unlimited fine.

What is the Law on Bribery?
Bribery is the practice of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value for the purpose of influencing the action of an official in discharge of his/ her public or legal duties. Bribery is a gain to an illicit advantage. Federal statutes refer to two classes of offenses: graft and bribery.

Who does the Bribery Act Apply to?
The Bribery Act has very wide territorial scope. The general bribery offenses apply to acts of bribery committed anywhere in the world by companies incorporated in the United Kingdom as well as individuals who are British citizens or ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom.

Bribery in Business
Commercial bribery is a form of bribery which involves corrupt dealing with the agents or employees of potential buyers to secure an advantage over business competitors. It is a form of corruption which does not necessarily involve government personnel or facilities.

Examples of Bribery

  • Afghanistan – Election Bribes$1 to $18 per vote.
  • Afghanistan – Police Bribe$100,000 to be Police Chief.
  • Afghanistan Average Bribe Amount$214 in 2012.
  • Africa – Bribe Payments of Govt Officials$20 to $40 Billion.
  • Amount of Bribes Paid Worldwide$1 Trillion per year.
  • Bangladesh – Bribes Paid per Household$86.

Major Types of Bribery

  1. Bribery and Kickbacks.
  2. Bribing a Public Official.
  3. Bribery of or by a Witness.
  4. Bribing a Foreign Official.
  5. Banking Bribery.
  6. Sporting Bribes.

Bribery Act Penalties
If an individual is found guilty of a bribery offence, tried as a summary offence, they may be imprisoned for up to 12 months and fined up to £5,000. Someone found guilty on indictment, however, faces up to 10 years’ imprisonment and an unlimited fine.

What is Bribery and Corruption
Bribery is the act of taking bribe, which is a payment such as money or a favour given to someone to induce him to act dishonestly whereas Corruption is dishonest or illegal behavior especially of people in authority using their power to do dishonest or illegal things in return for money or to get advantage.

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