Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Best Practices For Collecting of Excess Sales Tax as Per Law

Here are some best practices for collecting excess sales tax:


1. Verify tax rates: Ensure accurate tax rates for each jurisdiction.
2. Set up invoicing system: Implement an invoicing system that accurately calculates sales tax.
3. Maintain accurate records: Keep accurate and up-to-date records of sales, tax collected, and customer information.


1. Clearly indicate tax amount: Show the sales tax amount on invoices to avoid confusion.
2. Use tax calculation software: Implement tax calculation software to ensure accurate tax calculations.
3. Reconcile accounts regularly: Regularly reconcile your sales tax accounts to ensure accuracy.


1. Process refunds promptly: Issue refunds to customers for excess sales tax collected.
2. Adjust tax liability: Adjust your tax liability accordingly to reflect refunds issued.
3. Maintain refund records: Keep records of refunds issued, including dates, amounts, and customer details.

Compliance and Audits

1. Stay up-to-date with tax laws: Familiarize yourself with changing tax laws and regulations.
2. Conduct internal audits: Perform internal audits to ensure compliance.
3. Respond to audit notices: Respond promptly to audit notices or inquiries from tax authorities.

Technology and Automation

1. Implement tax software: Utilize tax software to streamline sales tax collection, remittance, and refund processes.
2. Automate tax calculations: Automate tax calculations to minimize errors.
3. Integrate with accounting systems: Integrate tax software with accounting systems for seamless data transfer.

Customer Communication

1. Notify customers of tax rates: Notify customers of applicable sales tax rates.
2. Provide tax information: Provide customers with tax information, such as tax exemptions or special tax rates.
3. Respond to customer inquiries: Respond promptly to customer inquiries about sales tax.

By following these best practices, you can ensure accurate and timely collection of excess sales tax, maintain compliance, and provide excellent customer service.

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