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Article 243(1) Constitution of Pakistan 1973 as Per Law

As per Lawkidunya and Article 243(1) Constitution of Pakistan 1973, Command of Armed Forces. The Federal Government shall have control and command of the Armed Forces. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provision, the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces shall vest in the President.
(3) The President shall subject to law, have power.
(a) to raise and maintain the Military, Naval and Air Forces of
Pakistan; and the Reserves of such Forces; and (b) to grant Commissions in such Forces.
(4) The President shall, on advice of the Prime Minister, appoint
(a) the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee ;
(b) the Chief of the Army Staff;
(c) the Chief of the Naval Staff; and
(d) the Chief of the Air Staff,
and shall also determine their salaries and allowances.

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