Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Appeals From Appellate Decree in Law

Appeals From Appellate Decree in Law, save where otherwise expressly provided in the body of this Code or by any other law for the time being in force, an appeal shall lie from every decree passed by any Court exercising original jurisdiction the Court authorized to hear appeals from the decisions of such Court.

What is Appellate Decree

Appeals from Original Decrees, which is performed by the appellate court, are preferred in a court which is superior in rank to the Court passing the decree. Appeal for such decrees may lie on an original decree passed ex parte. The decision of the appellate authority is conclusive.

Grounds for Civil Appeal

Allowing inadmissible evidence in a civil case is a legal error and grounds for appeal. Other legal errors made during a civil case may include a lack of convincing evidence in support of a guilty verdict or mistakes made by the judge while instructing the jury.

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