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Appeal Against Dissolution of Marriage 2013 CLC 1203

Appeal Against Dissolution of Marriage 2013 CLC 1203 Case Laws, Judgments and Latest Citation regarding Dissolution of Marriage, Section 14(2)(a) of West Pakistan family Court Act 1964 and section 2(iii)(d) of Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act 1939 that no appeal against decree for dissolution of marriage . Its object to deprive from filing of appeal against the decree regarding dissolution is to shorten the agony and to resolve the controversy expeditiously. Theme behind the proceedings or reconciliation proceedings before and after evidence and taking out of the right of appeal in case of dissolution of marriage by the Family Court is only to settle the matter regarding the marriage of the spouses as early as possible. No right of appeal is provided if marriage was dissolved by the family court however if marriage was dissolve under section 2(iii)(d) of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act 1939 then right of appeal had been awarded before the District Judge.

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