Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Law

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Law is the process of Resolving Disputes Between Parties. The term dispute resolution is sometimes used interchangeably with conflict resolution, although conflicts are generally more deep-rooted and lengthy than disputes.

Forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution

The most common forms of ADR for civil cases are conciliation, mediation, Arbitration, neutral evaluation, settlement conferences and community dispute resolution programs. Facilitation is the least formal of the ADR procedures. A neutral third-party works with both sides to reach a resolution of their dispute.

Examples of Alternative Dispute Resolutions

Arbitration and mediation are the best known and most frequently used types of ADR, but not the only ones. Minitrials, early neutral evaluations, and summary jury trials are less well-known forms of ADR.

Types of ADR

ADR is generally classified into at least four types: negotiation, mediation, collaborative law, and arbitration. Sometimes, conciliation is included as a fifth category, but for simplicity may be regarded as a form of mediation.

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