Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

AICTE-Saksham Scholarship Scheme Eligibility and Application Process

The AICTE-Saksham Scholarship Scheme is a fantastic initiative by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to support differently-abled students pursuing technical education. Here are the key details:

Eligibility Criteria

1. Differently-abled students: The scholarship is open to differently-abled students with a disability of not less than 40%.

2. Technical courses: Students pursuing diploma or degree courses in technical fields like engineering, pharmacy, architecture, and hotel management are eligible.

3. AICTE-approved institutions: Students must be enrolled in AICTE-approved institutions.

4. Family income: The annual family income should not exceed ₹8 lakhs.

Scholarship Rewards

1. Number of scholarships: 1,000 scholarships are available each year.
2. Scholarship amount: The scholarship amount is ₹50,000 per annum for every year of study.
3. Tuition fee reimbursement: The scholarship also provides reimbursement of tuition fee for the academic year.

Application Process

1. National Scholarship Portal (NSP): Students need to register on the NSP portal and fill out the application form.
2. Required documents: Students must upload required documents, including their disability certificate, mark sheets, Aadhaar card, and annual family income certificate.

Important Dates

1. Application deadline: The last date to apply for the Saksham Scholarship is typically October 31st of each year.

For more information, you can visit the AICTE website or the NSP Portal.

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