Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What is Right to Sell the Immovable Property as Per Law

As per Lawkidunya and  Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Sale signify to that of immovable property which includes both tangible and intangible property, as well as rights arising out of the land. For the sale, the parties must be competent. If the sale is of immovable property of more than Rs. 100, it has to be registered. A sale deed must be registered if the sale involves a transfer of intangible immoveable property or a transfer due to reversion; In cases of a tangible immoveable property valuing less than Rs 100, the sale can be made either by a registered instrument or delivery of property.

Which Property Cannot Be Transferred as Per Law

Some properties like the right to sue, the right to future maintenance, stipends to the air force/navy/political prisoners/civil pensioners and the chance of an heir-apparent to succeed to an estate are not transferable. The property must comply with the mentioned conditions in order to be transferable.

What are the Two 2 Methods of Transfer of Property

There are two ways to transfer property: first, through an agreement between the parties; and second, through legal action. The sale deed is typically the only method of property transfer that the general public is aware of.

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