As per Lawkidunya and Rule 43 for the Immovable Property is provided that where the sheriff after reasonable attempts is unable to gain access onto the immovable property or into the building or structure on account of the property, building or structure being locked, the sheriff may use a locksmith to gain entry.
Which Court Deals With Immovable Property
magistrate’s court may also order that judgment be enforced by immediate execution against the immovable property of the judgment debtor on good cause shown.
Limitation For Suit For Possession of Immovable Property
The Limitation Act, 1963, lays down a limitation period of 12 years for suit of possession of immovable property or any interest based on the title. The period for limitation for the government, however, is 30 years by virtue of article 112.
Who Can File a Suit For Possession of Immovable Property
If any person is dispossessed without his consent of immovable property otherwise than in due course of law, he or any person claiming through him may, by suit, recover possession thereof, notwithstanding any other title that may be set up in such suit.