Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What are Two 2 Ethical Theories in Healthcare as Per Law

There are many different ethical theories that have been applied to healthcare, but two of the most widely-discussed are utilitarianism and deontology.

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that holds that the best action is the one that maximizes overall happiness or well-being. In the context of healthcare, this might mean that a healthcare professional should choose the course of action that will result in the greatest benefit for the greatest number of people.

Deontology is an ethical theory that holds that the rightness or wrongness of an action should be based on whether it adheres to a set of rules or duties. In the context of healthcare, this might mean that a healthcare professional has a duty to respect the autonomy of their patients, and to do no harm to them.

These are just two of many different ethical theories that have been applied to healthcare, and there are pros and cons to each approach. Healthcare professionals may draw on a variety of ethical theories in making decisions, and may seek guidance from colleagues, professional organizations, or ethical frameworks to help them navigate ethical challenges.

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