Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Diplomats and Their Protection of International Morality

Diplomats are representatives of their governments and play a key role in the maintenance of international relations and the promotion of international cooperation. As such, they often work to uphold international morality and help to prevent or resolve conflicts that might arise between nations.

This can involve using their skills in negotiation and mediation to find solutions to disputes and promoting mutual understanding and respect between different countries and cultures. In some cases, diplomats may also work to defend human rights and promote social justice, helping to protect the dignity and well-being of individuals around the world.

What is International Morality in International Relations

International morality refers to morals or codes of conduct governing relations between nations. The present day world is divided into many independent territorial political communities. They constitute the international political order sometimes called the international legal order.

What is Diplomats in International Relations

People who practice diplomacy are called diplomats. Diplomats try to help their own country, encourage cooperation between nations, and maintain peace. A group of diplomats representing one country that lives in another country is called a diplomatic mission. A permanent diplomatic mission is called an embassy.

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