Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What is Balance of Terror in International Relations

It describes the tenuous peace that existed between the two countries as a result of both governments being terrified at the prospect of a world-destroying nuclear war.

Example of Balance of Terror in International Relations

For example, a state action to defend itself with additional police would bolster the state’s stability but would also help the terrorists mobilize new members. Likewise, for example, a terrorist attack would undermine the state’s stability but also hurt the terrorist’s operational security.

What is Meant by Balance of Terror in International Relations

a situation in which the threat of mutual annihilation by nations with the capability to wage nuclear war serves as a deterrent against military aggression and the use of nuclear weapons.

Difference Between Balance of Power and Balance of Terror

Balance of Power accepts resort to war as a means, balance of terror accepts only the threat of war or threat of nuclear weapons as a means for securing the balance.

What is Meant by the Terms Balance of Power Balance of Threat

The balance of threat theory was developed in 1987 by Stephen Walt. It claims that countries generally act in ways meant to balance out a perceived threat to their own security, making it different from the previously held balance of power theory.

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