Receipts of the Dower Articles 2013 CLC 1789 Sindh

Receipts of the Dower Articles 2013 CLC 1789 Sindh Case Laws, Citation and Judgments on Receipts of Dowry Articles, Suit for the Recovery of dowry articles- proof in form of list dowry articles bearing signatures of husband side- scope- not possible for a wife to produce such kind of documentary evidence. Court observe that in our society it is not possible for any bride/wife to keep the record of purchase receipts prepare the list of dowry articles, and obtain signature from bridegroom / husband side. In judge observation mothers start collecting purchase and preserving of articles for her daughter when she starts growing. It is also a tradition that in laws of any bride/wife are extended esteem respect and it is considered an insult to prepare the dowry list for the purpose of obtaining signature form them. I am also forfeited with the ration and wisdom of the court of apex provided though cases Muhammad Habib versus Mst. Safia reported as 2008 SCMR 1584 and Mirza Arshad Baig versus Additional District Judge reported as 2005 SCMR 1740 Receipts are not required to be filed and shopkeepers.