Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Summons to Witness in Law

Summons to Witness is a Legal Document SAT can use to compel a person to attend SAT or produce a document or other material before SAT. A party who is summoned is required by law to comply, and commits a criminal offence if they do not do so.

Summons to Witness Under CrPC

A summons is an officially issued document that is released by any Court on an Individual or an entity who may be involved in a legal proceeding. A summon is usually served when legal action is taken against an individual, or a person is required to appear before a court as a witness in a proceeding.

Summons to Witness Sample

Use this form if you want to require a person to present evidence. A witness summons requires the person it is served on to: attend court at a certain day and time in order to present evidence until they are discharged or told by the court they no longer need to attend, and/or. to produce documents.

Summons to Witness CPC

Summons to attend to give evidence or produce document. (1) Not latter than seven days after the settlement of issues, the parties shall present in Court a certificate of readiness to produce evidence, along with a list of witnesses whom they propose to call or produce either to give evidence or to produce documents.

Summons to Witness Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure

A summons to witness (or subpoena) is a legal document that orders a person to attend a Board proceeding, sometimes requiring the person to bring specific documents to the hearing. A summons is issued in blank by the Board (affixed with the Board seal, and the signature of a Board Vice-Chair).

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