As per Lawkidunya, In Pakistan, hacking and cybercrime are regulated under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA), 2016. Here are some punishments for hacking and related offenses in Pakistan:
Offenses and Punishments
1. Unauthorized Access to Computer System or Data
– Imprisonment: Up to 3 years
– Fine: Up to PKR 1 million (approximately USD 6,700)
2. Unauthorized Access to Critical Infrastructure
– Imprisonment: Up to 7 years
– Fine: Up to PKR 5 million (approximately USD 33,500)
3. Data Tampering
– Imprisonment: Up to 2 years
– Fine: Up to PKR 500,000 (approximately USD 3,350)
4. Identity Theft
– Imprisonment: Up to 3 years
– Fine: Up to PKR 1 million (approximately USD 6,700)
5. Cyberstalking
– Imprisonment: Up to 3 years
– Fine: Up to PKR 1 million (approximately USD 6,700)
6. Electronic Forgery
– Imprisonment: Up to 3 years
– Fine: Up to PKR 1 million (approximately USD 6,700)
7. Electronic Fraud
– Imprisonment: Up to 7 years
– Fine: Up to PKR 5 million (approximately USD 33,500)
Additional Punishments
1. Confiscation of Equipment
The court may order the confiscation of any equipment, device, or software used in the commission of the offense.
2. Restoration of Data
The court may order the restoration of any data that has been tampered with or destroyed.
Prosecution and Jurisdiction
1. Prosecution
The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) is responsible for investigating and prosecuting cybercrime cases in Pakistan.
2. Jurisdiction
The courts in Pakistan have jurisdiction to try cybercrime cases, and the PECA, 2016 applies to all individuals and organizations within Pakistan, as well as to those outside Pakistan who commit offenses that affect individuals or organizations within Pakistan.
Note: The punishments mentioned above are subject to change, and it’s always best to consult with a qualified lawyer or legal expert for the most up-to-date information.