As per Lawkidunya, In Pakistan, grandparents can seek various types of child custody, which are governed by the Guardians and Wards Act 1890 and the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961. Here are some types of child custody that grandparents can seek:
Types of Child Custody
1. Physical Custody: Grandparents can seek physical custody of their grandchild, which means they will have the physical care and control of the child.
2. Legal Custody: Grandparents can seek legal custody of their grandchild, which means they will have the right to make decisions about the child’s education, healthcare, and welfare.
3. Joint Custody: Grandparents can seek joint custody of their grandchild with the parents or other relatives, which means they will share the physical and legal custody of the child.
4. Sole Custody: Grandparents can seek sole custody of their grandchild, which means they will have exclusive physical and legal custody of the child.
5. Temporary Custody: Grandparents can seek temporary custody of their grandchild, which means they will have physical and legal custody of the child for a specific period.
6. Permanent Custody: Grandparents can seek permanent custody of their grandchild, which means they will have long-term physical and legal custody of the child.
Factors Considered by Courts
When determining child custody, Pakistani courts consider various factors, including:
1. Best interests of the child: The court’s primary consideration is the welfare and best interests of the child.
2. Age and sex of the child: The court considers the child’s age and sex when determining custody.
3. Parent-child relationship: The quality of the relationship between each parent and the child is assessed.
4. Financial stability: The financial stability of each parent is considered, as well as their ability to provide for the child’s needs.
5. Grandparent-grandchild relationship: The quality of the relationship between the grandparents and the child is assessed.
Seeking Child Custody as a Grandparent
If you’re a grandparent seeking child custody in Pakistan, it’s essential to:
1. Consult with a qualified lawyer: Seek professional advice from a qualified family law attorney.
2. Gather evidence: Collect relevant documents and evidence to support your case.
3. Prioritize the child’s welfare: Always prioritize the child’s best interests and welfare.