As per Lawkidunya, In Pakistan, child custody mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process that can help fathers resolve custody disputes without going to court. Here’s what you need to know:
What is Mediation?
Mediation is a confidential, voluntary process where a neutral third-party facilitator helps parents negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement regarding child custody and other co-parenting issues.
Benefits of Mediation For Fathers
1. Increased control: Mediation allows fathers to have more control over the decision-making process and the outcome.
2. Cost-effective: Mediation is often less expensive than litigation.
3. Faster resolution: Mediation can resolve disputes faster than going to court.
4. Improved communication: Mediation helps fathers and mothers communicate more effectively, reducing conflict and improving co-parenting.
5. Child-focused: Mediation prioritizes the child’s best interests, ensuring their needs are met.
How Mediation Works
1. Initial consultation: Each parent meets with the mediator separately to discuss the dispute and the mediation process.
2. Joint session: Both parents meet with the mediator together to discuss and negotiate the issues.
3. Caucusing: The mediator may meet with each parent separately to discuss their concerns and options.
4. Agreement: If an agreement is reached, the mediator helps the parents draft a written agreement.
Mediation Centers in Pakistan
1. Pakistan Mediation Council: Offers mediation services for various disputes, including family and child custody cases.
2. Lahore Mediation Centre: Provides mediation services for family disputes, including child custody.
3. Karachi Mediation Centre: Offers mediation services for family disputes, including child custody.
Tips for Fathers
1. Be open-minded: Approach mediation with an open mind and a willingness to compromise.
2. Be prepared: Gather all relevant documents and information before the mediation session.
3. Focus on the child’s best interests: Prioritize your child’s needs and well-being during the mediation process.
4. Seek legal advice: Consult with a lawyer before and after the mediation process to ensure your rights are protected.
Remember, mediation is a voluntary process, and both parties must be willing to participate. If mediation is unsuccessful, fathers can still pursue litigation to resolve the custody dispute.