Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

How Much Tax is Paid by Salaried Class in Pakistan

As per Lawkidunya, The amount of tax paid by the salaried class in Pakistan depends on their taxable income. Here’s a breakdown of the tax rates applicable to salaried individuals in Pakistan for the year 2024-2025:

– Taxable Income up to Rs. 600,000: 0% tax
– Taxable Income between Rs. 600,001 and Rs. 1,200,000: 5% tax on the amount exceeding Rs. 600,000
– Taxable Income between Rs. 1,200,001 and Rs. 2,200,000: Rs. 30,000 + 15% tax on the amount exceeding Rs. 1,200,000
– Taxable Income between Rs. 2,200,001 and Rs. 3,200,000: Rs. 180,000 + 25% tax on the amount exceeding Rs. 2,200,000
– Taxable Income between Rs. 3,200,001 and Rs. 4,100,000: Rs. 430,000 + 30% tax on the amount exceeding Rs. 3,200,000
– Taxable Income above Rs. 4,100,000: Rs. 700,000 + 35% tax on the amount exceeding Rs. 4,100,000
Additionally, individuals and associations of persons (AOPs) with taxable income exceeding PKR 10 million in a year must pay a surcharge equal to 10% of their income tax.

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